Untitled Pixton Project
The following is an ongoing, unofficial history of Pixton Comics. It is being compiled and edited by current Pixton content manager, Joe Mazzaro.
The insightful details provided in this history have been provided by many thoughtful, passionate and patient contributors. The editor would like to thank:
Clive Goodinson
DGames (Sitcomic48)
Douglass aka Dougefresh07
Duncan Star-Boszko aka American Rivers
Essent Allison
John Pietracupa
Lift Studios/Haig Armen
Marleen Miepje
Sasha Foulks
A note from Joe.
Since 2012, Pixton Comics has been a special part of my life. As both a user and employee, I've been fortunate to see many different sides of the company as it has evolved into the award-winning edtech software it is today. Now, I'd like to create a book about it. Here, you'll find the manuscript in-progress.
Note that the current draft is being developed in piecemeal fashion with the intention to improve readability, smooth transitions and reduce redundancies in further drafts.
Update 4.27.24
I have decided to focus first on Pixton 2.0 (“Classic Pixton”), as most of the current interest in this project appears to be on this era of the website.